Fastest way to book
any venue on Earth.

Within minutes, Afterwork AI can send inquires, get quotes & negotiate with venues.
Try it out. Always free.

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How it works

Discover hundreds of vendors in minutes

Our AI-powered recommendations system takes the hassle out of finding the right vendors for your corporate event. Simply give us your preferences and let our technology do the rest. With Afterwork, you'll be able to create a unique and memorable event that exceeds everyone's expectations.

We plan. You party.




And more! With a wide range of vendors and services available, you can easily
celebrate all occasions of any scale, all in one convenient platform

Corporate event planning made easy for any team

Find 100s of vendors, get faster quotes, and build out your events in seconds

What you get from us

all occasions
Plan for
any scale
Work with
great vendors
schedules easily
Book on
one platform
event activities
Build events
from anywhere
Recieve white
glove service


Afterwork literally made our first ever conference event possible! We realized we wanted to throw an event, but our conference schedules were already so packed that it seemed like a Herculean effort. Afterwork made it incredibly easy. Highly recommend to anyone planning an event, it’s a cheat code"

- Thariq S.   

Its been a pleasure to work with Afterwork. I have worked with them on several events in San Francisco and look forward to partnering with them on many more! They are joy to work with; organized, thoughtful and hardworking. The team is responsive and makes me feel like we are partners in putting on an amazing event together, not just a business transaction.

- Lily A.   

Afterwork alleviated the stress of planning my team's offsite on my own. Their system was quick to respond, took all my criteria into account, and proposed great options for my team! So thankful for them and would highly recommend their services highly.

- Erica Z.  

Relieve the event stress and headaches with Afterwork

Search our network.

Within our network, we can guarantee you'll be working with trusted top professionals in a range of categories such as venues, catering, rentals, decor, and more. Put us to the test! We promise to hold up our end of the deal.

Explore our recommendations

With just a few clicks, our AI-powered tool can curate the perfect list of recommendations for every category of vendor you need. Get tailored results every time, all on one accessible platform.

Organize your event details

Our dashboard allows you to organize and consolidate all of your event planning pieces in one easy to use platform. Easily brainstorm event activities, keep track of all the vendors that you're interested, gather proposals and contracts, and build your event timelines and checklists.

Test our services

Take advantage of our additional white glove services to take your event to the next level. Chat with our Afterwork event planners to help you with booking, event coordination, and more. Take a look at our pricing tiers to see more of what we can do for you.

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